Friday, April 9, 2010

花見@ 上野 + かなまら祭り-The Fertility Festival

I guess lots of people are anticipating this post. XD
Thanks for the patience, ne! I'm gonna post heaps of photos and let pictures do the talking =P I'm sure everyone will enjoy them ♥ Kekeke..

- 4 April 2010 -

It was a busy, fun and fulfilling day for us. Our initial plan was just looking at Sakura, chat and have fun at Ueno. I'm so glad Bryce actually told us about the fertility festival, or else we would have missed it! (It's only once per year!)

We went to Ueno station. I was shocked by the crowd. I knew it was a Sunday and there would be many people, but I underestimated the number of Sakura viewers.

Outside the station. It's the same capacity in the station as well. くるてる, Crazy!

But after I got into the park, I guess the Sakura was really worth seeing although we had to squeeze through the crowd sometimes. They were just so pretty!

That was our Ueno group! I really like them ♥
Kat went to church so she missed the morning event =(

Bought some food to rescue my grumbling stomach. "You are getting ready for the festival!", someone said. lol. Was trying to put up a sexy face =_=" epic fail though.

Here comes the exciting part!!!

What is a Fertility Festival?
There is a short answer to that, which is - The Penis Festival.
or what I call it, The GuGuJiao Festival (Chinese people will know I'm talking about) lol.

For those who wanna more about the festival, it is available on Wikipedia -

This was the Kawasaki-daishi station. The festival was actually held in a kinda rural area. There were lots of foreigners and lots of people on that day though =D

I guess Japan is the only country which held this kinda festival. =D So open-minded.

Haha, many people dressed up for the festival. Mostly as prostitutes =P

Giant Penis - The Mascot!

Everything here amazed me =D They even sold penis candies lol!
It was definitely full of surprises!

(I don't know what to say, haha)

Got offered free sake by the uncle behind me. A few sips were enough to make me feel excited! XD

Yes, that was me. =P The crowd cheered when I did that XD
My friend was at the other side and she overheard a guy saying that "Can you do that for me too?".
LOL well, hell no! you wish!!!

Kids were singing for the festival. So cute!! They changed Michael Jackson's 'thriller' lyrics into "penis, penis, penis" though. =P

I ♥ this festival

Went to Shinjuku (yes, again) to get a super-cheap dinner and do some shopping ^^

And of course, PURIKURA!

It's just 400yen!!! It's amazing that we could squeezed in eight people too!

Love the photos & the people so much ♥

♥ DK WARABI 最高!!! ♥


Teacher Jude said...

The photo that you held with a smile was awkward. Can't believe they have so many graphic pictures, really courageous!!

I guess it's a really different experiece for everyone of you, but I don't mind missing it when I go there...

Wei Chi said...

haha here i come again!
the penis festival is indeed very special... = =''
if jy or ck is there, they will do the same! hahha! (kiss it!) XD

Shermayne C said...

YA! i wish they were here! XD

well, i was a bit awkward too while holding the big thing =P